Fry Sauce & Grits: A tribute to the men in our lives

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A tribute to the men in our lives

Melanie, Courtney, and our dad
Visiting Arlington Cemetery in 1993

  For Father's Day this year we wanted to celebrate and write a tribute to the men in our lives. To these men whom we love, adore, and admire.  The first man in our lives is our dad. 

Courtney- I feel so grateful to have had a father in my life who loved and cared for me, my siblings, and my mom.  He isn't just a dad, he has been a provider, a peacemaker.  He's incredibly handy, smart, kind, patient, and hard working.  He has his funny quirks: his obsession over exotic and beautiful hard woods, his love for antique hand planes, how he would always tell us bananas taste like monkey spit, has worn the same style of Adidas tennis shoes for the past 15 years, and how he finds so much joy when he teases his daughters.  My dad has been a great example in my life, whenever I'm faced with a hard or difficult decision, I always think, "What would my dad do?" 

Writing this, I kept going back to an experience I had with my dad.  When I was a teenager  my dad was always asking me where I was going or who I was hanging out with.  As a teenager, this was really annoying.  I remember one night in high school I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and we were cuddling on the couch.  My dad walked down the stairs to check on us and I could tell he felt uncomfortable by what he saw.  After my boyfriend left, my dad came up to me and sweetly said, "Courtney, I love you, you're my daughter, so please be careful."  I thought to myself, "what are you talking about?  Don't you trust me?"  He then gave me the talk about how I had no idea what is going through a boy's mind when you're cuddling on a couch in the dark.  At first I was so embarrassed! How could my dad be spying on me like that, and my boyfriend was a good boy and wouldn't think that way.  Well, my dad was right when he said that a "good boy" wouldn't put me in situation like that when he dumped me a few weeks later.  I was so heart broken! I remember sobbing and asking my dad, "Why would he break up with me and why was he being such a jerk to me?"  My dad then said to me, "Courtney, you're a beautiful girl who has so much to offer; he doesn't deserve you."  I'll never forget when he told me that one day I would find a boy who respect, love, and honor me.  It wasn't until I met my husband that I was marrying a man just like my dad.    

    Now that I'm older and wiser and a parent now I realize him spying on me and always asking me where I was going was because he cared.  I bet having a boy crazed teenager daughter was not easy and scary at times, but I knew that was his way of showing me that he loved me. 

Melanie- I couldn't have asked for a better father, and I feel extremely blessed to have the one I have!  My dad is smart, and really taught me how important it is to constantly gain knowledge.  He is a faithful and good husband to my mom, and I am so grateful for that.   

Dad gives all of us children a Valentine's Day card each year, and I remember being excited each year to see what Valentine he had chosen.  Usually, it was a funny one.  My dad likes to make us laugh, and that's something I love about him.  I think he's that way because my Grandpa Craig was always such a witty guy.  I was really happy this February when I received in the mail, another Valentine's Day card from my dad--all the way here in Alabama!

One of the things I appreciate most about my dad is his sensibility and stability.  They are great qualities in a father.  He is pretty much no frills--but he is smart about what he does.  It was comforting growing up to know that he was responsible, he always provided for us and made sure our needs were taken care of.  

He can pretty much fix anything, and that is something I have always admired about him.  My little sister Caitlin drives an old Honda Civic with a million miles on it--and the both the visors were broken.  So, my dad had the idea to make replacements instead of having to order the parts he fashioned some out of wood!  He cut and shaped the wood to be the exact thickness and size of the visors, installed them into the car, and they work like magic!  And--we joke with Caitlin that she has sweet maple customized visors.

I love you dad, thanks for all you do for me and our family!

Courtney-The man in my life now is my husband.  This is his first official Father's Day as a daddy and I have to say I feel one of extremely blessed people who married a good and honorable man.  He's been the best father and husband to Amelia and I.

He has so much patience for me and is silly, adventurous, smart, and is a great teacher for Amelia.  Before Amelia was born, McKay wasn't known for showing much emotion.  I would hear him say that real men don't cry.  Haha, oh McKay.  Well that pretty much changed the day Amelia was born.  Never in my life have I seen such joy, happiness, and tears in one day from McKay.  Amelia has changed McKay into a softy and she has her little finger wrapped around him.

 I love McKay and how he is a man of passion.  He has so many interests and hobbies like for growing things, cycling, fly fishing, fixing things, and his sci-fi soap operas.  Amelia is going to have high expectations for her husband. I am looking forward to McKay taking Amelia on daddy daughter dates  and taking her fishing.  Love you McKayla and Happy Father's Day!

Melanie-What can't I say about my father-to-be Andrew?  He's my best friend and I love him.  I am so excited to see him as a daddy.  It has been fun to watch him interact with our puppy, Dexter.  It has given me a glimpse of what he's going to be like as a father.

We took a trip out to Reno to visit Andrew's parents this March.  We decided to take Dexter on the plane with us rather then boarding him somewhere for a week.  Dexter was very agitated and scared on the flight and wouldn't stop barking and clawing at his carrier.  Andrew was so patient and dealt with him when I couldn't take it any more.  He loves that silly little dog, and likes to spend his free time teaching him tricks.  I was the one who wanted Dexter, and I knew Andrew was hesitant.  But, it has been good training for us.

I'm so grateful that Andrew had such a good father that taught him how to be loving, took his responsibilities seriously, and taught his son the importance of education, and working hard. Medical school was an endurance test, with constant studying, driving to different hospitals, and long hours.  But, I'm so grateful for a father to my children that has that type of work ethic.  He is strongly committed to whatever he does, and I know he will instill that in our children.

I love you dear, Happy Father's Day!

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