Fry Sauce & Grits: Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!

aint noboby got time for that

Sometimes, as I am perusing the pages of Pinterest, I am inspired.  Sometimes, I am left thinking--REALLY?!  Some people are taking the DIY craze to the next level.  I love a good fun project or craft as much as the next girl, but I just have to rant for a minute here.

 Who has time to make their own homemade bite-sized Goldfish crackers?!  Especially at the rate I have seen some toddlers consume them.  I mean, come on now people!  I guess I would just be happy if I could make a homemade healthy dinner every night.  Maybe if I didn't work full time, and freelance, and try to blog, and didn't go to church.  Then my family would have some fresh cheese crackers at all times.  Yes, they would.

Or spend all night doing intricate nail designs that require taping the nails off and letting them dry for hours in between.  And, anyone who knows me, knows I AM A FAN of painting my nails.

And, can someone please explain to me, why making your makeup remover wipes out of paper towels is a good idea?  Especially after reading they can become moldy within days?  Gross!

For these people, I have a few words for you.  Target.  Neutrogena.  $4.99.

With all that being said, who am I to judge if one particularly intricate activity is worth ones time, more then the next?  And, this is coming from the girl that watches The Bachelorette weekly--a guilty pleasure of wasted time.

So, if you have tried any of these, or any other type of DIY project, and want to let me know why it was totally worth your time, I would love to hear about it!


  1. Hilarious! I totally agree with you though. And seriously, those makeup wipes mold after a few days? sick!

  2. Hahaha I am dying with laughter! Those goldfish crack me up!

  3. This is funny! I love the 'aint no body got time for that'! I haven't tried any of these - and I can definitely see your point :)

  4. Oh my goodness this is so funny and true bahahaha

    1. Thanks Whit! I'm glad to know there's other people who feel the same way I do about some of the ridiculous projects you see on Pinterest!


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