Fry Sauce & Grits: Healthy Chocolate Avocado Gelato

Monday, July 15, 2013

Healthy Chocolate Avocado Gelato

Healthy Chocolate Avocado Gelato from

I've fallen off the bandwagon with my LeanMoms program.  I've been eating foods I shouldn't have, eating more then I'm suppose to, and I haven't been as faithful about going to the gym.  This has resulted in me gaining some pounds and feeling more soft and flabby :(  

This can get you down when you know you're not giving your 100%.  I feel like with anything in life, you have to give yourself a break when it comes to something that is hard.  I'm recommitting myself this week to stay on track and to finish the program out strong.  I have five more weeks left.  

To finish off strong and to get me through the day, there's this Chocolate Avocado Gelato recipe from the LeanMoms program that has saved me from eating an entire pan of brownies.  This Healthy Avocado Chocolate Gelato is my favorite treat to eat after a hot day.  It satisfies my chocolate, sweet, and ice cream cravings!  This gelato is a little slice of heaven that helps me stay on track with my fitness and health goals. 

Healthy Avocado Chocolate Gelato Makes 12 servings (2 per serving)
3 Avocados
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup honey or agave
3 TBS chocolate protein powder
2 TBS cocoa powder
1/2 cup almond milk, unsweetened
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup raw coconut

Directions: In a food processor, mix all ingredients except raw coconut.  Blend until creamy and smooth.  Mixture should be thick.  Drop round tablespoon-sized balls onto a cookie sheet.  Sprinkle coconut over the top.  Place pan in freezer for at least two hours until frozen.  ENJOY!  Keep a container of these in the freezer, its the perfect snack on the go or when you're watching the Bachelorette.  When you make and eat them, make sure you come back and let me know what you think!  

Recipe adapted from


  1. Oooo, I am going to have to try this.

  2. Well doesn't this just sound delightful! I'm definitely pinning - thanks for sharing. And I completely understand about not giving 100% - but you know what? Today is a new day! You will do great :)

    Yvonne @


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