Fry Sauce & Grits: Be.You.Tiful Link Party #1 and a Giveaway!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Be.You.Tiful Link Party #1 and a Giveaway!

When you think of a link party what do you see? DIY projects, crafts and seasonal goodness for all of us to share, try, and love!?!...but is that all blogging is all about? I mean, sure we all love ourselves some good craft time but is that really what inspires us? Is that what makes us want to get up in the morning? Is that what helps us strive to be a better mother, friend, or wife? Isn’t it time for us to have a place to link to for that exact inspiration we are looking for? Well, look NO further! We have come together to bring a link party that is specifically about sharing those inspirational post that we all search for daily! We, as lifestyle bloggers want to bring those posts together! We want to be inspired by your beautifully designed playroom, your amazing weight lose journey, or even your perfectly styled outfits! Come check out what inspires you this week and in turn, you will inspire us!
We are calling this link party the Be. You. tiful Lifestyle Link Party! We are so excited to have you join us this week. Without any further ado, here are your link party hosts...

Link Party Photo 4

To kick off this awesome link party, we are hosting a HUGE giveaway too!
The one BIG question we constantly get from other bloggers, is "How can I make money from my blog?" or "How can I make MORE money?" Right? Who doesn't want to know the answer to that? The answer is simple: Atly
atly learn improve inspire
We love everything about this! Atly is an amazing resource for people everywhere! Whether you are a person seeking to learn a new skill or an individual (like a blogger) with a skill to teach!
Say for instance you have a talent for photography, well, why not quickly and easily set up a class on lighting on Atly? It's crazy easy, the girls of My Mommy Style just set one up this month and couldn't stop raving about how beautiful the site design is; clean and easy to navigate and not to mention: crazy simple to use! The best part of all is that it is 100% FREE to set up a class and you get to set the fee for the class, $5, $15, $25 $150, whatever you want to charge, even FREE. You make 75% of the profit, which is um...AMAZING! I don't know of any other company offering such a huge earning potential!! If you're class never makes a dime, you don't pay a dime. Simple as that!

Hop on over to Atly now and share your talents. Start making some real money now! {Click Here}


Atly is so sweet to give one lucky reader a $500 Visa Gift Card! Isn't that amazing? We sure think so!

To enter, follow all of us on Pinterest using the links below and use the Rafflecopter widget to submit your entry!



Now for the part you have all been waiting for, the link party! Before we begin, here are a few rules we have laid out...

-Link up your lifestyle posts of design, beauty, fashion, health, and inspirational posts!
-No giveaways, Etsy shops, or other link parties
-Link up starts at 7:00 p.m.
-Don't show up and not socialize! Share, pin, and comment on 2 other link ups, it spreads good karma!
-By linking up, you're giving permission to us to feature your projects and recipes on our social media and blogs with a link back to you.

We're excited to see what you link up! Join us every Thursday at 7 pm MST to link your Be. You. tiful posts!


  1. I love this!! I've been in need for a place to link up my inspirational-type posts. Thank you ladies!! With $500, I would buy my travel arrangements to go to Air Force Basic Training Graduation in March.

  2. Congrats on the new party! I linked up one of my few diy beauty product posts :)

  3. So EXCITED for your new party, ladies!!! And, thanks for an AWESOME giveaway!!

  4. I would probably pay bills with the money.. But maybe I could use it to help my blog.

  5. Great giveaway! I linked my Priorities as a Mother post!

  6. I would love to win the $500!!! My husband and I found out a few months ago we were pregnant after trying for 3 years! It would help is tremendously to buy some baby gear

  7. Oooo I would put it towards a new couch!

  8. Thanks for hosting this great party, ladies! Exciting giveaway, too!

  9. I would put the money towards a pre-baby vacation for my wife and I!

  10. I would put some back for Christmas money for 2014 and buy myself some clothes and shoes that I desperately need.

  11. Awesome giveaway!! I would use it for a new chair. (PS I love that I was already following everybody on Pinterest and Facebook! I love you girls!!)

  12. Found your link up through the Creative Bloggers Collective! You have a new follower! I'm really excited about your link up!

    1. Megan, you're too cute! Thanks so much for linking up! That's funny how you found me there! I love your site! You're so stylish!


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