Fry Sauce & Grits: I can't imagine life without my Dohmie!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I can't imagine life without my Dohmie!

This is a sponsored post where I received compensation and was written by me on behalf of Dohmie for Mom it Forward.  All opinions are 100% mine.

dohmie by marpac fry sauce and grits

When I saw that the Mom it Forward network was looking for bloggers to review and write about the Dohmie Serious Sleep Baby Bundle from Marpac that promises your baby will sleep better,  I was all over it! When I received the Dohmie, I liked how the design was simple, clean, and I noticed that it constructed with high quality material.  

 sleep aids for babies fry sauce and grits
The Dohmie creates a natural white noise to help babies fall and stay asleep, the rest of the family to sleep easier and/or carry on with normal lives and activities.  The Dohmie's sound is seamless and continuous because it uses electromechanical technology to create the natural sound of rushing air, unlike other white noise machines that work on a digital loop and cut off after a set period of time.

At the front it has a switch where you can make the noise louder or softer without having to adjust the Dohmie.  The cool thing is by rotating the cap and collar of the Dohme to allow different amounts of air to rush through these openings in different ways, you can create a variety of tones and volumes; therefore you can customize the sound to your babe's liking.

When I received the Dohme, Amelia was 14 months and I thought Amelia didn't have sleep problems, that's what I thought at first.  I decided I was going to give the Dohme a really good try and use it everyday during naps and when she went down for the night to see if I could tell if this little sound machine would make a difference in her sleep.  Within a week, I could tell a significant difference in her sleep patterns and most importantly, the routine of her sleep, and her behavior towards sleep.

One of the things I love about the Dohmie is how it helped establish a stronger routine when it came to going to sleep for Amelia.  Because I turned it on everytime I would put her down to bed, Amelia got into the habit and routine of when the Dohmie goes on, it's time for bed.  Seriously, as soon as I turn on the Dohmie, Amelia would calm down and pretty much pass out in my arms as I put her down to sleep.  I swear the soothing sound the Dohmie makes hypnotizes them.

white noise machine for baby fry sauce and grits

Before using the Dohmie, it was a struggle to put her down.  There would be sessions of crying, screaming, and Amelia trying to climb out of the crib.  I was so used to her acting that way, and it didn't seem out of the normal.  Now, our sleep routine is SO much better.  It has made our lives so much easier because Amelia gets her rest and we do too!  It kills two birds with one stone.  Since I've used the Dohmie, she sleeps longer, she's on a better sleep routine, I feel like she gets the quality sleep she needs to grow, and gives McKay and I the much needed break when she's asleep.

During the holidays we went down to McKay's parents house and slept over Christmas Eve night.  I forgot to bring our Dohmie and the combination of sleeping in a different place, over stimulation from festivities, activities, and family, and not having the Dohmie was a recipe for an awful night of sleep.  She woke up every hour and I was to the point where I wanted to drive back home at 3 am in the morning.  I learned my lesson and now whenever we travel I bring the Dohmie and it helps Amelia to get a the rest she needs.  It's easy to travel with because it's small and lightweight.

I recommend the Dohmie as a baby shower, birthday gift for a parent, or just treat yourself to having better sleep for your little darling and you.

Check out the awesome reviews of this product here.  

For more information about Dohmie and serious sleep, please visit

Also, follow Dohmie on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook for all things baby and sleeping!

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