Fry Sauce & Grits: 3 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy A White Bra Ever Again!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy A White Bra Ever Again!

Several weeks ago I had the great pleasure of going bra shopping with Megan from Brassy Apple.  Let's just say we had a great time.  I fitted her and like 90% of women out there, she was wearing the wrong bra size.  After measuring her she went from a 36A to a 32C!  What the what?!  Not only did Megan go down two band sizes and went up cup two cup sizes!  The power of being properly fitted.  One of the things I remembered she was blown away by was the conversation we had over bra colors.

Brassy Apple Bra Fitting

Like most women, Megan was wearing a white bra when she came in.  Once we started on trying on bras that fit her, she noticed that the ones I was having her try on weren't white.  Thanks to Megan and letting me fit her, I was inspired to talk to you all about why you should never buy a white bra ever again.

Why You Should Never Buy A White Bra from

So what's the big deal about white bras?  A white bra is classic, and it goes with everything, right?  Well, I'm here to blow your minds with this statement-"NEVER BUY A WHITE BRA AGAIN!"  Yep, I said it and yes, I'll probably be getting some hate mail from taking such a strong stance on this.

But why? It's been the favorite choice bra color for millions of women for generations.  Well I'm here to tell you that life gets much better on the other side of the fence.

My four reasons why you shouldn't buy a white bra

1. They're extremely hard to keep clean.  Have you ever noticed that soon after wearing your white bra it always looks dingy, dirty, gross, and you can never get it to look clean even though you wash it often?  And the bad thing is the more you wash your bra, the faster it's going to wear out.  I'm not saying you don't want to wash your bra ever, but when you have a white bra and it always looks dirty, you're more inclined to wash it more.  You can't bleach them, so unless you have a way of getting your bras sparkly white, I'd like to hear from you.

2. You can see a white bra underneath black, and light colored clothing.  This is the biggest reason why you should never own a white bra.  White bras are awful to wear underneath black and light colored clothing.

Most women think that if I'm wearing a white shirt, that you need to wear a white bra.  I'm here to tell you that this is the worst thing you can do because you will see EVERYTHING.  When I say everything, you'll see every inch of your bra underneath your shirt.  Unless your going for that look, that's great (I don't judge), but if you're not, then don't do this.

Wearing a white bra underneath really dark and black clothing also causes problems.  The white penetrates the dark color, so you can see it underneath your clothing and sometimes that dark color will stain your white bra, leaving it forever red, blue, purple or black.  Beware of lights and flashing cameras, this will create a free peep show for others, yikes!

3. White bras are becoming harder to find.  Many years ago when I worked at Nordstrom, most of the women who I fitted always wanted a white bra and this drove me nuts.  I had a very small selection of white bras because most bra manufacturers don't make them.  The reason why is because in the fashion and lingerie industry, white is considered a fashion color, and not a basic color.  This sounds crazy but it's true.  Most women find white bras to be higher maintenance and harder to take care of , so that's why only a small handful of bra companies make them in white.

OK, so now that I got that over with give you the reasons why you should never wear a white bra again, what do you buy instead of white?  Drum roll please....  My dear friends, I'd like to introduce you to the color nude/beige/skin color and the reasons why every woman in America should own these

Nude is the most versatile color.  You can wear it underneath light colored and dark colored clothing and you won't see through your shirt because it's the color of your skin.  See the example below.  This girl is wearing a white bra on the left and a nude bra on the right.  See how on the left picture you can see every inch of the bra?  And on the right, you can't see the bra because she's wearing a nude colored one.  Isn't it amazing?  It is.

White and nude bra comparison from Fry Sauce and Grits

The key to finding a good nude color bra is try to stay pretty close to your skin tone or shade.  If you're fair skinned, you won't want to go with a dark nude, and if you have darker skin then you won't want to go with a light beige color.

Black is also a great color to wear.  Black looks great underneath black and dark colored clothing.  Sometimes when you wear a black shirt, and if you're getting pictures taken or having bright lights on you, or  you're in direct sunlight, the nude color can peer through the shirt.  Nude looks a heck a lot better than white, but black looks even better. Black is a must have in every wardrobe.

The other color I highly recommend in every woman's wardrobe is a fun, sexy, girl, flirty, and feminine looking colored or printed bra.  They're not very practical underneath light colored clothing, but having one or a few of these are really great to have to wear underneath dark, patterned, or chunkier tops.  Being a mom and a wife sometimes a sexy looking bra underneath can make you feel like a million bucks, and I'm all for that!

My intention for this post isn't to poke fun at people who wear white bras due to personal or religious reasons.  Being a Latter Day Saint woman or (Mormon) I know and understand that some women of the LDS faith might not feel comfortable with this statement or post.  This is my opinion and I don't declare this to be doctrine of the Church. What I hope you really get from this is to expand your thinking a bit.

I hope these tips have been helpful to you.  If you want to learn more about how bras should fit, make sure to head over to my Bra Guide page, it will change you and your boobs lives.

Here are some other posts you might be interested in:

How Bras Should and Shouldn't Fit from Fry Sauce and Grits

Supportive Swimwear Guide from Fry Sauce and Grits

How to pick the perfect fitting sports bra from Fry Sauce and Grits

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