Fry Sauce & Grits: September 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Neova Face Sunscreens and a Giveaway!

This post is sponsored by Neova and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Neova DNA Damage Control Sunscreen Giveaway from

If any of you read our blog for sometime you can tell by looking at our blog us three sisters are white as humans come.  With our really white and sensitive skin, and we burn really easily.  We've been taught by our mom while we were growing up the importance to take care and protect our skin so we can prevent cancer and premature aging.  Thanks mom!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to: Clay Wall Planters

We are so excited to share a guest post for you from the two masterminds of, the lovelies: Joanna and Molly.

"we are two stylists that decided to collaborate to push ourselves creatively. we are located in birmingham, alabama, where we are styling, shooting, creating, and living. we hope you leave inspired!"

How to: Clay Wall Planters

Description of Photo 

We have been obsessed with plants lately, and we have been keeping them alive!! It is always so fascinating to put greenery on your wall, but sometimes the wall planters are a bit expensive... So we tired an alternate solution.

Description of Photo
What you'll need: 
Air Dry Clay (I used Stonex- I bought mine at Michaels)
Paint brush
Foil or wax paper

Start with laying down your foil or wax paper (clay can get sticky if pressed onto its surface) Cut about half an inch thick piece for your back. Cut another slice about the same size and start making the second slice a little thinner by working it out wider with your fingers. Cut out a small hole on your back piece for easy hanging. Connect your front piece to your back. (you can mold the front piece any shape you want, you can use a cup or a bowl to help as a mold- make sure to put some wax/foil in between the mold and your clay) When connecting your 2 pieces, use the brush and the water to blend in the cracks. Try not to use too much water, just enough to soften the clay. 

This is one of those projects that you can be as perfect and sleek as you want, and as messy and texture as you would like. Take the basic instructions and have fun with it! explore different technics and shapes! 

Allow at least 48 hours to harden.

We would love to see your creation if you tried this! tag your process and end result on instagram as #irrelephantclaypots

Friday, September 27, 2013

Photo by Emilie Online Class Giveaway!

It's been my New Year's Resolution to understand and know how to use a DSLR camera.  I wanted to be able to capture precious moments in a beautiful way and wasn't feeling like I was achieving this with my snap and shoot camera.  I used to work as a photographer at a studio in high school and at a college newspaper in college and used a DSLR camera, but never had the chance to really learn how to use one.  I felt really intimidated by all of the components like: f-stop, aperature, ISO, white balance, and didn't understand how they played a part in taking pictures.  I didn't know where to start!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nursery update and some pregnancy brain ramblings

It has been a few months since I posted anything about the nursery.  When it comes to decorating, I always have the ideas in my head.  Then when it comes to actually implementing them, it's harder then I thought it would be!  It's overwhelming to undertake a whole room of baby stuff.  We're starting from scratch here!  We don't have any family close to borrow things from, and at times I have been overwhelmed by how much we need to buy!  When you're doing things on a budget, you have to get creative!  See what I've been up to after the jump...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bra Guide: Learn How Bra Sizing Works!

Bra Sizing from

Hey out there!  I'm really excited to be talking about the next topic in my blog series, "Bra Guide".  My first post was about How Bras Should and Shouldn't Fit and received an overwhelming amount of response from ladies around the world asking me their bra questions, concerns, and issues.  It was so exciting!  I've had a lot of questions asked about bra sizing and so that is what I'm going to be talking about today!  Yahoo!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jane Austen and the reactionary plight of expectations.

I think it's safe to say that here at Fry Sauce and Grits we are pretty much obsessed with Jane Austen and all things period.  I mean who doesn't love the costumes, the formality, and the romance?  Oh and did I forget Colin Firth in the role of Mr. Darcy?  (Swoon!)  So naturally, when it came time for me to write a persuasive essay for my English class, I picked the most controversial of subjects: Jane Austen's male protagonists.  Can you relate?  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Road Tripping with Grits

Hello folks!  The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of travel for me, and I am happy to be back at home sleeping in my own bed, with my husband and my puppyhead Dex.

After visiting home, and having a beautiful shower, I hopped back on a plane to Alabama.  I got in Monday afternoon, saw Mumford and Sons play Monday evening, worked Tuesday, and left again Wednesday for a fun road trip to visit our friends in Gainesville, FL!

Since I am a southern transplant, I want to share with you what I found unique about our trip down to Florida.  It seems the south is full of quirky new things and it's always fun to discover them!

We took a few pit stops along the way to Gainesville.  First, we stopped in Dothan, the location of the first Del Taco in Alabama!  Andrew's favorite restaurant is Del Taco (dream big honey), and since there are none where we live, this was quite the treat for him.  Embarrassingly enough, we actually stopped at Del Taco several times on our trip so Andrew could get his fix.

Andrew enjoying his "Green Burrito"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Festive Fall Front Porch on a Budget

I'm going to get a little personal here.  The last couple months have been really stressful for my McKay and I.  McKay's job has been in jeopardy because of the nationwide sequestration.  With several rounds of layoffs at his work and more to come,  McKay and I have felt so uneasy about his future and the need to have a more stable job so he can finish his masters and support Amelia and I.  The good news is McKay has been offered a job with a government program where they allow him to go to school full time, pay him salary, and they pay for school!  This is a huge blessing, but there's one crappy stipulation, it's a significant cut to his pay :(

We've had to have some serious heart to heart talks about our finances.  We even thought of moving out of our home and renting it out for a couple of years to save money.  Even though that would save us money we just didn't feel right about that option and plus I would feel overly territorial about someone else living in my home, worrying about whether or not they're keeping it clean, and thinking about someone sleeping in my bedroom (it kinds of creeps me out).

We'll be able to survive, but money is going to be really tight for the next couple years.   It's hard to be at a comfortable stage of your life then being forced to feeling like a poor college student again.  You feel like you're taking three steps backwards.  After weeks of feeling mopey and "my life sucks" kind of mood, and dealing with some health issues (it's been a rough week).  I've realized that this isn't the end of the world.  Many people go through set backs in their lives and this one will be such a small one in the grand scheme of our lives.  We're extremely blessed and have SO much to be grateful for.  This new opportunity is going to get McKay through school, have a stable job, and allow him to be home more.  Not many families in our area do have options, and I need to remember that.

I'll stop my whining now.

My friend Allison from Cupcake Diaries asked me to be apart of her series of 30 Days of Halloween where each day she features a blogger creating something Halloweenish.  You can go here to learn about the series and see all of the other awesome Halloween ideas you can use this year.

Anyway, I really, really, really, wanted to dress up my boring front porch this year for Fall/Halloween for Allison's series but needed to do it on a VERY small budget.  I was pretty skeptical I could pull it off.

I set a budget of $5 and promised myself I wouldn't go over it and I'm happy to say I was able to stay on that budget!  It wasn't easy.  I wanted to get a few new fall decorations I saw at various stores, but I stuck to my guns and bought only what I really needed.  Everything else I used I already had in my house, found in the garbage, borrowed, reused, painted, and grew to get this front porch looking festive.

Fall Front Porch Decor from

Thursday, September 12, 2013

6 Best Budget Beauty Products for Dry Skin

Best Budget Beauty Products for Dry Skin from

Fall is here!  Fall is here and I love it!  I can see the leaves in the mountains change already!  Not to be a Debbie Downer, but one thing I don't love about the changing season is the havoc it does to my skin and hair.  Living in the high desert of Utah, it gets EXTREMELY dry during the fall and winter and this is brutal to my skin.  My skin starts feeling dry and tight, my acne starts up, my scalp gets flaky, and I pretty much feel like I'm falling apart!  I've found over the years that when the weather changes, I need to change my beauty regime to combat the dry desert air.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Grits" Comes into Town

Hello!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  I sure did!  My sister Melanie, aka "Grits" came into town this week from Alabama!  I love it when sister comes into town. I love being able to spend everyday with her doing something fun, chatting, and taking it easy.  Normally we talk a lot on the phone or Skype with each other.  It was really good to see her and her little pregnant belly.

We did some fun things, we went to the cute Oh Sweet Sadie Boutique, saw Austenland, ate a lot of baklavas and gyros at the Salt Lake City Greek Festival, toured my town's local Garden Show, and Caitlin and I hosted Melanie a baby shower with all of our family and friends.  Melanie is doing a really cute mermaid theme nursery, so Caitlin and I thought we would host a mermaid theme shower and it turned out really cute.  We had it at my parents backyard.  Check out some of the pictures from this week.

Caitlin riding her bicycle with Maizie.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Red Lip Tips

We are somewhat nervous to post this video, our first tutorial, so please bare with us.  Let's just say that filming a tutorial was WAY harder then we thought it would be, and we are still learning!!

We ran into a few isssues: background noise, a crying baby, Courtney talking while I was trying to apply the lipstick and smearing it all over her face, lipstick malfunctions, my pregnant butter fingers dropping everything, and much more.

Please ignore some of our funny faces, and Courtney's stoned look.  But, the good news is we finished it, and we will hopefully learn from this one, and there will be better tutorials to come!  Let us know what you want to see in the future and we will work on it!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Healthy Chocolate and Coconut Oil Mug Muffin Recipe

I've been SO excited for fall to arrive this year!  Don't get me wrong, I love summer, but I've been getting tired of the heat.  I heart fall because it gets me all nostalgic of cool crisp weather, thick sweaters, wearing socks with boots, hot out of the oven pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, football games, school starting up, and the changing colors of the leaves.  During this festive time of year my biggest weakness comes out in full force and that is my sweet tooth.  Let's be honest, it can get a little out of control.  I inherited this very dominant gene from my mother.  

To help curb my sweet tooth I've been making healthy desserts to help me get through this time without having to go buy larger pants.   As I have been on this heath and fitness crusade I've found a bunch of healthy desserts I can enjoy and that satisfies my sweet tooth, but the one I'm sharing with you today is one of my favorites!  

Healthy Chocolate Coconut Oil Mug Muffin from

Sunday, September 1, 2013

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