Fry Sauce & Grits: Nursery update and some pregnancy brain ramblings

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nursery update and some pregnancy brain ramblings

It has been a few months since I posted anything about the nursery.  When it comes to decorating, I always have the ideas in my head.  Then when it comes to actually implementing them, it's harder then I thought it would be!  It's overwhelming to undertake a whole room of baby stuff.  We're starting from scratch here!  We don't have any family close to borrow things from, and at times I have been overwhelmed by how much we need to buy!  When you're doing things on a budget, you have to get creative!  See what I've been up to after the jump...

You can see my inspiration and mood board for the nursery here.

Our first purchase for the room was this glider from Costco and the accompanying Caitlin Wilson Designs pillow.  I got the pillow here in Birmingham from my friend Victoria's cute boutique called, "Cureture."  I've been drooling over Caitlin's pillows for what seems like an eternity, and I finally got one!  In my dreams, all my beds and couches are covered in her pillows.  What a fantasy, huh?

The brown seaglass ball on the floor I was planning on hanging from the ceiling somehow, but we'll see.

I have been collecting small items throughout the pregnancy that I was hoping would all fit together in the nursery.  Here are some of those things, mostly picked off the Target clearance aisle, or from Home Goods.  The coral shelves I found at an estate sale last summer and have been wanting a place to put them.  The white piece of coral is actually a coat hanger my sweet friend Amy gave to me at my baby shower.

I think I am going to spray paint the lamp another color, but I am not sure what color yet.  Any ideas?  I have been "shopping" other rooms in the house to see what I already have that I can use in this room. 

I'm sure Andrew probably thinks I'm crazy sometimes because when he gets home things are all rearranged and the lamps are switched, and side tables moved.  But, it takes time to figure out a space.  I also subscribe to the belief that you can't ever really finish a room.  Rooms are always evolving, and I'm always reconfiguring and trying to see what works best for what area.

My Grandma Kathy gave me this framed mermaid embroidery at my baby shower, and I thought it was a fun addition.

The one thing I just couldn't resist splurging on is this "Bla Bla" Mermaid Doll mobile.  I can't wait to hang it!

Andrew did a most of the painting while I was out of town, which was nice-thanks honey! We just received and assembled the crib on Monday.  Baby steps here-literally.

Look at some of the beautiful quilts that were gifted to me at my shower!  So many works of art!

One of the challenges about this space is we have a guest bed that will be residing in it.  It's going to be a great thing to have for nights when Andrew really needs to sleep and I can sleep in the room with the baby.

A close up of the bed, with a teddy bear my Grandma Nene gave me when I was little and some more sweet Bla Bla dolls from my friend Hope.  I have such good people in my life!

WARNING: PREGNANCY BRAIN IS REAL.  On Monday, I checked Amazon, and the dresser we registered for was on sale.  So, even though I was at work, I went online and ordered it along with a blessing dress I'd had in my cart for some time now. Then we got super busy at work, and when it finally slowed down I checked my phone and Andrew had texted me saying he got the shipping confirmation email from Amazon.  But, I had accidentally shipped it to our old Irvine address in Southern California.  Great!  After first trying to cancel the orders, a bunch of phone calls, and some follow up emails, we now have both of the items coming here to Alabama.  But, it really stressed me out!  I'm telling you that my mental capacity has for sure been affected by this pregnancy.  Props to Amazon for great customer service BTW.

So far, I'm liking the space.  But we still have a lot left to do, and this baby is coming soon!  I am so happy to be approaching 30 weeks now.  It seems like weeks 20-30 have been SO SLOW.  Can she just be here already?!  Why do I find myself wishing away the time?  I know that it's not going to be easier once she's here, but I still do it.

Any tips for me on other things to put in the nursery?  I am trying to simplify and not "overbuy" things I won't use. I'm going to use the top of her dresser as the changing table. Everyone has different advice on baby gear, and what they did and didn't end up using.  I'm open to all your advice!


  1. I've shipped something to an old address before in Amazon as well. My advice- go in to your account and delete all of your old addresses so you don't do this again.

    1. Jen, yes. This is great advice. I was actually logged into my husband's account because he has Amazon Prime and so I blame him! No, we actually deleted the old addresses so it won't happen again!

  2. As far as clothes go, babies grow so fast! My daughter only wore 0-3 month clothes for a month! She was a little big, so your baby might not outgrow clothes as fast, but still. I'd just get 3-6 mo clothes, and then 9-12. They'll be a little big for awhile, but she'll grow into them fast!

    1. Brianna, I have heard of this happening to a lot of people! So, I haven't purchased many newborn sized things. I did get an outfit to go home from the hospital in that is newborn sized, and it says up to 7-8 lbs. But, seeing as my husband is tall and was a big baby, she might be too big for that outfit before we even leave the hospital! So, then I bought the same outfit in a 0-3 month size, just in case! It's sort of a guessing game!

  3. Haha. Pregnancy brain strikes again. Amazon is fast though. It's like they have it in their hand to throw on a truck when you put it in your cart. Once you click purchase it's pretty much a done deal, that item is on it's way. I'm glad you were able to correct their destination.

    1. I know! They are fast. We called them within a few minutes of the confirmation email and it was already through the processing stage. So that's why I was so stressed about it! Luckily, they were able to "re-route" it though!

  4. Oh I know how real pregnancy brain can be- isn't it crazy! I just love how the nursery is coming together!

    1. I know people talk about it all the time. But I had no idea!

  5. Ha ha... I don't think the pregnancy brain goes away after you have the baby either! Good thing they're so cute and worth it. Adorable nursery ideas!

    1. Oh no! Well, I am sure you're right, it will be worth it. At least that's what I'm choosing to believe!

  6. You will love that chair. I bought a very similar style for my little girl's nursery and it is used a lot. I also did the dresser as changing table and I'm so glad I did. It's something you can use for a long time and has tons of storage. There isn't much else in the nursery but the crib. You don't really need anything else unless you want a side table for the chair (which I really like). Oh and I think your lamp would be cute with a mirror finish! Good luck!

    1. Good! I'm so glad I got the chair! That's a great idea for the lamp, I will have to look into how to do a mirror finish. I've thought about just buying a different one, but it's a perfectly good lamp!

    2. There's actually a spray paint available that will do the mirror finish. I tried it on a wine bottle and it looks pretty cool! Thinking about doing that to a couple of my own lamps. :)

    3. Oh that's awesome! Where did you get it?

    4. I think I actually got it at Walmart, in the regular spray paint section. Seems to be pretty common though so I bet you could find it at a craft store or Home Depot.


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