Fry Sauce & Grits: 6 Best Budget Beauty Products for Dry Skin

Thursday, September 12, 2013

6 Best Budget Beauty Products for Dry Skin

Best Budget Beauty Products for Dry Skin from

Fall is here!  Fall is here and I love it!  I can see the leaves in the mountains change already!  Not to be a Debbie Downer, but one thing I don't love about the changing season is the havoc it does to my skin and hair.  Living in the high desert of Utah, it gets EXTREMELY dry during the fall and winter and this is brutal to my skin.  My skin starts feeling dry and tight, my acne starts up, my scalp gets flaky, and I pretty much feel like I'm falling apart!  I've found over the years that when the weather changes, I need to change my beauty regime to combat the dry desert air.

Beauty products for your skin can cost you an arm and a leg and I ain't got cash for expensive products.  I'm going to share with you today the best skin care products for your dry skin to help you to get through the fall and winter dry weather that has been tested and tried that won't break the bank.  I've been using these products for a long time and recommend them for people who suffer like me when the season changes.  But wait, you won't have to suffer anymore, I have the answers for you here!

1. & 2. Honey and and Olive Oil $10
Every fall my scalp goes through this period where it gets SUPER dry and flaky. It's really gross and it's really itchy.  I try to avoid wearing dark clothes because all you see is flakes all over my clothes.  YUCK! I've used several things to try to combat this and have used T-Gel and expensive scalp treatment shampoos.  They work fine for the first day, by the second day my scalp is full of dead and dried skin.  I found this olive oil and honey hair mask is the only thing that has worked for me when treating my flaky scalp.  During the winter months I'll apply the mask about once and week and that nips the flakes in the bud.

Honey and Olive Oil Hair Mask 
2 TBS Honey
3 TBS Olive Oil
shower cap or old t-shirt or towel

Mix ingredients together in a bowl.  Flip your hair over your head and apply generously through scalp and hair.  Make sure you do this over the sink or the tub or you will make a huge sticky and oily mess.  After you apply to your hair wrap hair in a shower cap, old t-shirt, or a towel so the mixture won't drip all over the place.  If I need a really good treatment, which is like every week, I'll sleep with the mask in my hair and the towel wrapped around my head.  In the morning I'll wash the mixture out and condition as normal.

3. PureGuardian Ultrasonic Humidifier $79
For the past couple months I've experienced extremely dry lips. I kind of feel like Napoleon from Napoleon Dynamite when he calls his brother Kip to bring him some chapstick, "Kip, my lips hurt real bad!"  My lips have been so dry, they've been painful.  I was constantly putting on chapstick and even Aquaphor on my lips every 30 minutes, and I still couldn't get my lips to feel hydrated.  I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me a bunch of creams and tried that for a couple of weeks and it wasn't relieving my dry lips.  During another doctor's visit, I asked my doctor about my severely dry lips and he recommended me to sleep with a humidifier in my room.  I tired it that night and OH MY GOSH!  That morning when I woke up my lips weren't dry, flaky, and they didn't hurt!  Every night since then I've been using my humidifier in my room and I've seen a significant difference in my lips.   I have the PureGuardian Ultrasonic Humidifier.  I bought it at Costco and its been worth every penny.  I love it because you can adjust the amount of mist that comes out of it, change the mist temperature from cool to warm, and it's really quiet when it runs.  I have it on my nightstand and it doesn't bother me.  

4. Certain Dri $6
Do you always have wet spots underneath your armpits? Are all of your clothes stained from your sweat?  Do you feel super uncomfortable and embarrassed by it?  I know exactly how you feel!  When I was in high school I had problems with sweaty armpits.  It sounds really funny, but it was so traumatizing for me!  I was a cheerleader my junior year and was SO self conscious and embarrassed by it.  I was always trying to hide my the wetness and felt like I had to wear extra layers of clothing and stuff tissue in my t-shirt.

Through a friend I found about about a product called Certain Dri and how it worked and eliminated her sweaty armpits.  I went to the closest drug store and spent $6 and ten years later, this has been a staple in my beauty regime.  This stuff works so well and it's so cheap!  It's so easy to use.  When you first start using it, you roll on the liquid to your armpits every night before you go to bed.  Make sure you don't apply it after you shave your armpits, or it will burn like crazy!  In a couple of days, you'll see a big difference. I use this every couple days and to this day has eliminated my sweaty armpits.  This product is so cheap and effective.  Just the other day I was talking to a friend who was suffering from sweaty armpits and she was thinking about paying big bucks to get Botox injected in her armpits to stop the sweating, this was going to cost hundreds of dollars!  EEK!

5. Neosporin $4
When it comes to perfect and flawless skin, I haven't been blessed with this great trait.  I'm still waiting for when zits have an expiration date.  I've been on a lot of different products to help treat my acne: creams, antibiotics, birth control pills, expensive skincare, light treatments, and even injections.  I go through stages where I have great skin and not so great skin.  Right now I'm through a not so great skin stage.  I remember hearing how Neosporin could help spot treat acne.  I did some research and thought I'd give it a try.  I put on some Neosporin on a large zit before I went to bed and the next morning it had shrunk significantly!  I was so shocked!  Ever since I spot treat big zits and it has helped them decrease in size.  From the research I did it's not good to use Neosporin for long term use and for treating large areas of skin.  It's best to use it for when you have a big zit here and there.  Another thing I've noticed about using Neosporin is that it helps moisturize the dry skin around the zit.  One of the complaints of having zits is when you try to cover them up, a lot of times they end up looking dry and flaky (which can make them look worse).  When I use Neosporin to spot treat the zits on my face the night before and put makeup on the next day, my zits look better underneath my makeup because they're hydrated and not dry.

6. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream $11
This is my FAVORITE product to use to moisturize my skin during the winter!  It's a little heavy to use in the summer, but it is the creme de la creme of moisturizers for very dry skin!  I love it because it's thick, creamy, moisturizes, and it's scentless.  I slather this all over especially on my heels and elbows.  It's the only lotion that lasts a long time and keeps my body moisturized the entire day.  I even use this on Amelia and her skin feels so much better and smoother when I do.

I would love to hear what cheap beauty products you use for your skin to help combat the harsh months of fall and winter!  Leave a comment below if you have any questions regarding the above products!  Thanks for stopping by, hope you all have a great weekend!

My Serendipitous Life
Tucker Up 


  1. Great post. I love St Ives Timeless moisturizer. It's thick, feels great and feels like it really is tightening skin. It's less than 5 bucks most places and it's huge. I just love it

    1. Emily, is the moisturizer for your face or body? I'll have to try it out! Love the price!

  2. That is so true about the dry weather. Boo. Not looking forward to that :( Another product that you should try that isn't too expensive (and is multi-useful) is coconut oil! We buy and use it for everything!! I even have a coconut oil shampoo that I use. Great stuff - excellent for dry skin!

    Yvonne @

    1. Yvonne, do you put coconut oil on your face?

    2. I love to use coconut oil on my face, Court! It's naturally antibacterial.

  3. Fabulous post, can't wait to try some of these ideas and share with friends!

  4. I had no idea that you could put honey on your hair! Thanks for sharing girl!

  5. Winter is coming and my skin gets sooo dry! This is perfect! Thanks!

  6. This is a BIG help. My skiin and hair are always dry, and like you said, Fall and Winter don't help at all. I'm definitely gonna need to get a new humidifier this year and that hair mask sounds amazing.

    xo Ashley

  7. Thanks or doing a post of stuff I already have around the house.

  8. I also have a big problem with dry skin during the winter. Thanks for these helpful tips.

  9. Wow! These are good to know. Thanks so much for sharing this at "That's My Style" Link Party!!! I will keep these in mind. I do hope you'll join in again. I can't wait to see what you have to share this week. :)

    Karla @

  10. Coconut oil! Best moisturizer and will clear up any breakouts. Goes on oily at first, but settles after a while. Costs around $7.00.

    1. Do you use special coconut oil for your face, or do you use the normal cooking kind?

    2. Organic, cold pressed... Nutiva, and Nature's Way are popular brands. NOT LouAna!

      Also, you can infuse coconut oil - I have some infused with coffee to help with puffy eyes and I've been wanting to infuse some with chamomile.

  11. Your products are spot on! Certain Dry is wonderful. My teens all had issues with sweating and had to have an expensive prescription. Certain Dry worked great and was really affordable. Great post. Http://


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