Fry Sauce & Grits: Bachelorette Desiree Recap: Episode 2

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bachelorette Desiree Recap: Episode 2

Awkward cannot even begin to describe this week's Bachelorette.  I found myself wanting to pull the blankets from the couch and hide.

But I digress, we'll start off with the first date: Brooks.  Highlights: he tries on goofy tuxedos while she tries on wedding dresses.  He carries her into the gorgeous Blue Bentley.  They eat cake at a food truck while people cheer.

They make out on the Hollywood sign.  Dinner on a bridge.  Any of this sound familiar?  Andy Grammer sings his hit, "Keep Your Head Up" while they dance the most awkward white people dancing ever.  More kisses happen.

Second date: group date.  Soulja Boy joins the guys to create a "rap music" video.  He loses his thug card in the effort.  

I guess they painted a purple dress on Des, how artsy.  And, I'm sorry--but I happen to HATE the shoe choice with the body paint.  The rap is about how they are on the show for the "right reasons."  The rest of this date is too terrible to even mention.  No really, I was super embarrassed I was even watching it.  The intern who thought of that should be fired.

 That night Zak gives Des a sweet antique journal.  Brandon opens up to Des and let's her know "he was born and had a mom and a dad like you did."  We are relieved to know he isn't claiming immaculate conception.  The night ends with an awkward re-visit and chanting of the rap, "Right Reasons."  I hide my face.

Third date: Bryden.  Bryden's bangs are exactly like Lloyd Christmas's in Dumb and Dumber. And I can't get past it.

 Bryden seems slightly dim, but like a super sweet guy. He's an Iraq war veteran and his life was changed after he got into a horrible car accident.  He just so happens to be carrying photos of the accident and pulls them out for her to see.  All in all, he seems like a perfect gentleman, as they move to the hot tub.  He tells her how much fun he had on the date, sniffs about 5 times in between, wipes his nose, and tells her again how amazing the day was.  Poor guy, it's super awkward until Des tells him to "Just kiss me already!"

Rose Ceremony.  Some guys go home: Robert, Will and Nick.  The episode ends with the rap video, and I cringe the entire time.  ABC has the audacity to announce that you can see the complete rap video on  Don't hold your breath people.

Let us know what you thought of the episode! What were your favorite parts ? Are you going to be groupies on the Bachelorette Rejects next rap tour? Who do you like? And who do think will be Des's knight in shinning armor? We want to hear your opinion. 


  1. I missed the episode, but I totally agree about Des's dress being painted on and Bryden's hair. i hope he changes it. So should i go to and watch this music video for a good laugh?

  2. Sister, I watched this episode. It was so bad that I covered my face and took a walk around my room multiple times. But like all great train wrecks I couldn't look away. Love this post!

  3. Jenny, I wouldn't recommend it! But, if you missed the episode, you might have to watch it to see how bad it really was!

  4. Caity, I am glad I am not the only one that was mortified by it! But, you're right, I still watched the episode!


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