Fry Sauce & Grits: Beautiful Home Tour

Monday, October 21, 2013

Beautiful Home Tour

Beautiful Home Tour from
Have you ever wanted to go up to those beautiful homes and knock on the door and ask the owners if you could peek inside?  Well, I'm happy to tell you that I'm planning on doing just that.  I'm kind of scared and I hope I don't get the cops called on me, but I'm planning on doing a new series every month on the blog where I'll feature beautiful homes in my area and show you how why they're so awesome.  I'm hoping to save enough money so I can get my nice camera this Christmas so I can properly capture the beauty and style of these homes to ya'll.  I'm going to start in 2014.

I feel like I have an old personality.  All of my favorite shows are on PBS, I love history, anything Jane Austen, and love to take long drives in the car and look at pretty homes, stunning architecture, and amaze at gigantic homes I'll never be able to afford or live in.  Some might find that doing this is kind of depressing.  I find it mostly inspiring and strives me to make my small and humble home more beautiful.

Last week I was running errands and thought I would take some time out for myself and Amelia, take a nice long drive, enjoy the fall weather, and ooh and aah over the beautiful homes in eastern bench of Bountiful, Utah. I drove around for almost three hours taking pictures.  People probably thought I was a creeper or some kind of paparazzi. Here are some of my favorites from our lil driving trip:

Arts and Craftsman Style Home from

I really like this modern Arts and Craftsman home because it wasn't so grand, it was more down to earth and was a home I could see an average family living in.

Rustic French Home Style from

I would describe this house as rustic but has features of a French country home.  I really like the tall and narrow gables.
Colonial French Style Home from

This was one of my favorites because you can tell the home has a lot of charm and character.  It isn't humongous and I love the pretty double pane windows in the front.  This would bring a lot of beautiful sunlight.

Colonial Style Home from

This reminded me of a colonial house back in Pennsylvania. I never been to Pennsylvania, but I can imagine this home being in the mid 18th century.  Can you imagine having two large fireplaces like that?!

English Mansion Style Home from

To be completely honest, I almost peed my pants when I saw this house. I posted this picture on my Instagram account and was in aah at how grandiose this house is.  I'm a total Jane Austen fan and this reminds me of Pemberley, the palace where Mr. Darcy resides in Pride and Prejudice.  What do you think?
French Countryside Style Home from

This was also one of my top favorites.  I love how this home is much smaller than the other homes in the area.  This screams French!  I tend to love the homes that have more charm and character like this house.

French Rustic Style Home from

This house has a very rustic French feel.  I love the way the house is planned out.  A very nice cover porch  in the front with a large front door.  The landscaping molds around the home.  Can't imagine how happy I'd feel to drive up to this house everyday.

Modern Arts and Crafts Style Home from

This house is a mixture between modern and Arts and Crafts.  I wasn't too impressed with the lawn, it screams boring, but I couldn't get over how big and beautiful the window s are.  You can see the spiral staircase that goes downstairs inside the curved part of the house.

Recycled Rustic Style Home from

I was mostly shocked when I saw this house.  It was so different, I had to stop and take a picture.  I don't know how I feel about it, BUT I love how different it is than all of the other homes I saw that day.  You can tell this house was 100% custom and used some recycled materials on it.  I didn't see one inch of grass or plants, I think all of the rocks was taking the beauty of the house.

Tuscan Villa Style Home from

This is one big ass house.  I'm sorry, I don't like to swear, but there's no other words to describe this house.  It's like a compound, no the Pentagon, no a fortress, no a mansion.  I guess it could be called all of these things.  I sure hope there's 100 people who live in that house, if there isn't, that would be a big waste of space.

So, what did you think of my Beautiful Home Tour?  That would be so awesome if I could actually go into some of these homes.  I hope you enjoyed it without having to take a three hour drive with me.  If you have suggestions for beautiful homes in your area, please feel free to email me at


  1. What a fun idea to do a little home tour! I am definitely guilty of wanting to peek in some of the beautiful homes that i drive by!

    1. Marissa, my friends mother does it all the time. She'll just randomly go up to a house, knock on the door and almost 99% of the time the homeowners are generous enough to let her in! I hope I get that lucky.

  2. These are so beautiful, but I can't help but think I would need to hire at least 1 maid to help keep it clean! Lol.

    ~Amber @

    1. You would need a crew like they have at Downton Abbey to keep that ship in tip top shape!

  3. I hope 100 people live in that house, too, DANG!! I'm excited to see the inside tours!

  4. They are all beautiful. I agree with Amber, I would have to have a house keeper lol. I love the landscaping too. Thanks :)

    1. Having a home that big, you would HAVE to have a couple housekeepers!

  5. Oh, wow! Those are neat homes! I'm honestly not sure which one would be my favorite--they're all so unique! Funny thing is, I bet there are at least one or two of those that have completely empty rooms because they couldn't afford the furniture after buying the house!! I hope you get to see inside some of them!

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. It costs a fortune to furnish a home. I find that to be really common when people build these large homes, they don't have enough money to furnish them! What a pity!

  6. I am seriously dying over that last home . . . why oh why in the world would you need that huge of a house?! It's unreal. I can't wait to hear when you go knock on the doors! Someone is bound to let you in! I also love love love looking at houses. It's so fun!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to need it Camille! Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  7. love it I'm an old home person I'm always looking and eventually I will get my own modest home but until then will dream big following from create it thursday I'm lorraine at

    1. Hey Robin! You will own your own home! Thanks so much for visiting.

  8. I'd totally take any one of these houses... if they came with a cleaning crew, lol!!! Love this post :)

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

    1. Shauna! I just love your blog and recipes! You would have to be silly to get this large home and not have help. It's so hard to imagine that, huh?

  9. I am also a tourist and interested in different things. Your blog is really nice and all photographs are gorgeous. Especially the art home. I really like this modern Arts and Craftsman home because it isn't so majestic. It is more down to earth and like this home I don’t seen in my life.


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