Fry Sauce & Grits: Angel Food Cake with Strawberry Whipped Cream Frosting Recipe

Monday, August 19, 2013

Angel Food Cake with Strawberry Whipped Cream Frosting Recipe

This weekend, we celebrated a milestone in our lives.  Amelia had her first birthday and we had both sides of the families come over to our house to celebrate this special day with us.  We were surrounded by those we love, good food, and it was the perfect weather for a party.  It was a reminiscent day for me.  I remember a year ago how scared, excited, anxious, and ready I felt to do the whole labor thing.  I've been dreaming of this moment my entire life to meet, hold, and love this little baby.  A year has gone by so fast.

It's a tradition on my dad's side of family to make this a particular cake for birthdays.  I remember seeing pictures of my 92 year old grandma and my dad eating this cake for their birthday as children.  I grew up eating this cake too.  I wanted to keep the tradition alive for Amelia's birthday.  

This cake is a perfect dessert for a birthday or any kind celebration because it's light and not heavy, it's easy to make, and is absolutely delicious. If a cake recipe has been passed down for multiple generations, you know it's that good. 

Angel Food Cake with Strawberry Whipped Cream Frosting from

Angel Food Cake with Strawberry Whipped Cream Frosting (Serves 8)
1 box of Angel Food Cake Mix
1 packet of Knox Gelatin 
16 oz container of Strawberries
1 pint container of Heavy Whipping Cream
3/4 to 1 cup of Powdered Sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla 

Make and bake angel food cake mix according to the box.  While cake is baking, wash, cut, and dice strawberries.  Take a potato masher and crush the strawberries until they're all the same texture.  Add the box of gelatin to the strawberries, mix, and let set.  In a medium size bowl, mix the heavy whipping cream with a mixer until formed.  Add vanilla and then add powdered sugar to the whipping cream until desired taste.  Add strawberries and gelatin mixture to whipped cream in 1/2 cup increments, fold into the whipping cream, and continue until all the strawberries are folded into the whipped cream.  Place the strawberry whipped cream into fridge. 

Take angel food cake out of pan and place onto a cake stand or plate.  Cut the cake horizontally in the middle, take off top layer and put onto a separate plate.  Take strawberry whipping cream and frost the middle and exterior of the cake.  Once done, add the second layer of cake on top and continue to frost the rest of the cake.  Don't forget to frost inside the middle hole.  Place back in refrigerator when done to help set the whipping cream.  Enjoy!  

Note: This cake doesn't do extremely well in the heat.  I recommend you to not let it sit out in the heat for a period of time because the frosting will start to melt and the cake will collapse (I've had this happen to me)!   

Birthday Cake from

Parties, I'm partying at:


  1. Your little girls eyes are beautiful! We did a watermelon cake for my little girls 1st. Great job!

    1. Watermelon cake! That's awesome! Thanks so much for stopping by, being so sweet, and supporting our humble little blog.

  2. That cake it just beautiful and looks so delicious. I'm sure your birthday girl was thrilled to carry on such a yummy tradition. Let me just tell you how much i LOVE your pom-poms. So dang cute!

    1. Thanks Holly! The pom poms were so easy to make! I should do a tutorial on how to make them. Hope things are going well with moving.

  3. She's so adorable Courtney! The cake sounds delicious too!!! One question: is the gelatin plain or strawberry flavored? Thanks!

    1. Amber, thanks for answering that question. I edited the post to say one packet of Knox Gelatin. Hooray for being the Chef of the Week on My Recipe Magic!

  4. Love!! What a cutie pie you have! And seriously, what is the deal with this cake? I may be whipping one up to eat for breakfast! ha ha Seriously.

    1. Allison, you're too kind! This cake is pretty awesome. It would be a great way to start the day!

  5. Your girl is adorable!! So Cute.....

    That cake looks amazing. I'm sure it was just as good as it looks. Must try

    1. Thanks Lori! Yes, you need to make this cake!

  6. Beautiful cake and ADORABLE baby girl! I could just eat them both!

    1. Kami, you're too kind! I can't take credit for her looks, because she looks a lot like her daddy.

  7. Happy Birthday to your little one! Yummy looking cake :)

    Yvonne @

    1. Yvonne, that's for stopping by our small and humble blog!

  8. She is so cute and I love her expressions when she is about to have the cake. Too funny! How wonderful to have such a strong family tradition on birthdays. Your decorations are wonderful too. I'm glad the special day turned out so well.

  9. Darling. Glad she had a blast - love all your decorations!

  10. This cake looks positively divine! And it looks like your little sweetie had a wonderful 1st birthday! Thank so much for linking up to our All Things Thursday Blog Hop last week. I'm featuring your cake tomorrow and will also be pinning it to our ATTBH Features Board on Pinterest. Thanks again for linking up. Hope you'll be partying with us again tomorrow night!


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