Fry Sauce & Grits: Eyeliner Snob? Drug Store Product Review

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Eyeliner Snob? Drug Store Product Review

I could call eyeliner a hobby.  Sad, but true. I am always on the look out for the best eyeliners: what's new, what's longer wearing, what's easiest to apply in a rush, etc.  I have tested out many and I wanted to share with you what I have learned!

Recently, I had a conversation with my sisters about eyeliners.  After I told them about the Christian Dior eyeliner I have been using lately, they asked me what my favorite drug store eyeliner was.  I responded, "I don't know, I don't wear drug store eyeliner."  They both scoffed at me for sounding like a snob.  But, the truth is I have worked at one makeup counter or another for the past decade and so I get my eyeliner for free.  Would you go buy drugstore eyeliner if you got the prestige brand for free?  Ya, I didn't think so.

But, in an effort to be the best beauty guru I can, I did it.  I went to Walmart-the HORROR!

I bought a Maybelline Liquid eyeliner for $6.97 that looks just like the $30 Christian Dior one.  And so I tried it out--on my birthday! It was risky business.  But I am fearless in the name of beauty!

I must say I was pleasantly surprised.  It went on smoothly, it wasn't drippy or too dry.  It was a little bit more of a stark black then the Dior one--maybe slightly shinier too.  The real test though was when the humid Alabama heat steamed up mid afternoon and then we had a torrential down pour on our way to dinner.  There was a small amount of transferring to my eyelid, which is pretty much inevitable with the weather conditions.  But overall, I was pretty impressed with the seven dollars I spent.

The Christian Dior version is more of a gel-textured liquid,  and in my opinion it has a little bit longer wear. I also like that it's not quite as harsh of a black, which suits my lighter coloring.  But, I would guess that some would prefer the blackest black of the Maybelline liner.  Is the Dior version worth an extra $23 dollars?  I guess that is up to the buyer.

What I like about a felt tip pen in general is that it's less willowy and messy then a traditional liquid eyeliner.  I like that I can get a very thin discreet line between my lashes, or I can wing it slightly at the edges for more of dramatic retro look.  And, I also really like these felt tip pen versions when I am in a hurry in the morning.

Another version I have tried is the $22 Too Faced 3-Way, it's awesome for tight-lining the lashes and getting a smooth look for thickening the lash base.  I don't like it as much for creating a "cat eye" look though.  I find a single pointed tip to be easier for that.

The best eyeliner for wearing all day in my opinion is the  $23 Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner, but there are many mornings when I just don't have the energy to pull out a brush to dip in the gel.  I guess I am just not a morning person!

The next version I want to try is the $20 Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner I have read many good reviews on it, and it comes in variety of colors.  I want to try the chocolate brown version!
Anyone tried the Stila liner and want to let me know how they like it?  Like I said, I have heard good things, but before I go out and spend more money on eyeliner (when I have dozens sitting in my drawer) I want to hear some conversion stories people! 

For more product reviews, you can read my post Top 5 Makeup Tips for Brides.  Comment back with what makeup products you would like reviewed, or what questions you have about eyeliner.


  1. I have never used liquid eyeliner, but I'm always trying out new kinds of the regular. I'm not a snob per say, but I want it to last and not end up on my nose!

    1. Kathleen, this Maybelline Eyeliner is a really good bang for your buck! Do you have any drug store cosmetics that you love?

  2. So weird. Just threw away my eye liner tired of trying new ones to no avail...then I saw your blog" wow! Answers! You are psychic girl.

  3. What a great post. Yes, if I got eyeliner for free, I think I might be a brand snob too. Sadly, I need to be frugal SO a big thank you for the reviews. I now want to get that Mabeline eyeliner.


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