Fry Sauce & Grits: 2 Quick Ways to Transition Your Makeup for Fall

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 Quick Ways to Transition Your Makeup for Fall

Summer to Fall Makeup

Here in Alabama, it's still really warm, and I wistfully walk by the cozy sweaters and buttery leather boots that have been in stores for weeks now.  I long for the crisp autumn mornings in Utah and California.  It's hard to get in a seasonal mood when it's hot and sticky by 9 AM!

But, that will not stop me from enjoying September, and the beginning of this season.  I'm OVER my summer staples.  I've been wearing hot corals and neon pinks on my toes all summer.  I'm longing for the richer hues of berry and bordeaux and I decided I don't have to wait!  I'm sporting a dark wine mani and shiny cherry toes right now!

I'm using this Pantone Fashion Color Report as my inspiration.
Pantone Fall Color Report

What gets me so excited about fall makeup?  I guess it's that we all go bare bones in summer.  We wear as little as possible in the heat.  Which is great, we want to look all minimal and beach-y.  But fall makeup signals the return of more color, more coverage--more makeup I guess. Some would say more is not better, but as someone who has always been enthralled by color, I love it! Bring on a berry stained lip and a smudgy eye.

I wanted to share with ya'll what I think to be the 2 quickest ways to instantly "fall-ify" your makeup.

1.  Stain the lips. Choose a rich berry, red, plum or wine colored hue.

Start with soft lips.  Exfoliate them with a warm washcloth while you are washing your face in the morning.  Apply a lip balm and allow it to soak in while you are getting ready.  Then, right before you head out the door apply your lipstick.

For an effortless look, use your finger to pat the color onto your lips until they are fully stained.

For a more dramatic look, apply the lipstick straight from the tube.  Blot once.  Then apply again for lasting color.

Keep the rest of your makeup simple.  Stick with neutral colored or bronze-y eyes.

Desert Plum

One of my favorite examples of this look is Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada.  Stunning!

Devil Wears Prada Makeup

2.  Jewel-toned eyeliner.   Pick a hunter or emerald green, rich navy, or eggplant eyeliner. Choose a shade that complements your eye and hair color.  Also, pick a shade that has a black base to it, so it's not as obvious you are wearing a colored eyeliner.  We want it subtle.  Not Bozo the clown.

Hunter Green eyeliner

Smudge the liner in between your lashes, using short strokes, until you fill in the entire lash line.  It's up to you if you want to wear the liner on the bottom of the eye.  I usually leave it off the bottom for a cleaner look.

Then take a smudge brush dipped in a similar toned eyeshadow and go back over the liner to "fade" the line onto your lid.

Laura Mercier Smudge Brush

Finish with a few coats of your favorite mascara.  I love how Emma Stone does it here:

Emma Stone Eyeliner
Photo: Steve Granitz/Getty Images
Let's not complicate it ladies.  It's makeup--it should be fun!  It washes off!

I'm currently working on some makeup tutorial ideas.  What part of your makeup do you need help with?  What sort of tutorial would you like to see?  Let me know, I would love your input!


  1. It would be so helpful to me if you made a video tutorial. I learn so much better that way. And then I could practice and watch you do it at the same time. So glad I found this blog!

    1. We're so glad you found us too! Thanks for the feedback. I'm working on some tutorials so stay tuned for more!

  2. I would love a tutorial on your top pics of makeup brands. Who could know more than Mel?

    1. Karen, that's a great idea! Although it would be hard for me because I love so many products from so many different brands! Agh! But, maybe I could categorize it and break it down!

  3. I would love a tutorial on your top pics of makeup brands. Who could know more than Mel?

  4. It seems there is so many products to choose from these days that I get overwhelmed. I am a simple make-up girl anyway so I would love some info on primer, tinted moisturizers, foundations (powder vs liquid), and blush types, and what little I can get away with in the Fall. thnx!

    1. Hey Jenny! I know, believe me, it IS overwhelming! That's a great point, I forget sometimes that people want to know the basics. Check back for some future tutorials, and hopefully I can answer some of your questions!

  5. Anne's look in The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorites too! Just stopping by to welcome you to the Social Fabric Community!

    1. I know, I DIE over her hair, makeup, and clothes in that movie! Thank you for stopping by Jen!

  6. Can you recommend a good snow white foundation? I am as pale as ever! My Sephora did the new color matching and the shades that match are pretty much only online. I like light weight foundations. I'm also pink toned which makes it harder.


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