Fry Sauce & Grits: Hello World, Again!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hello World, Again!

This blog isn't big, so we don't have tons of followers, but despite that, I thought I'd write something short about what's been happening this past month, the lack of posts, interaction on Facebook, and the blog literally being put on the back burner. 

You can read the reason behind my blogging break here.  I've taken the last month off due to needing some time to regroup, refocus, get organized, get my priorities straight, rest and relaxation, and to take a breather.  Can I tell you how liberating and freeing this past month has been for me?  Yes, of course I've missed writing and posting, hearing from our followers, and inspiring others, but it was so nice to focus on me, my family, and taking time to do the things I love.  

There's going to be some changes coming to this blog this year.  I'm really excited about them because I think it's going to help define even more who we are at Fry Sauce and Grits, and it will make it look like we're seasoned bloggers, well I sure hope it does.  

I'm excited to have Melanie back from maternity leave and Caitlin back from taking a blogging break to do school, work, and planning a wedding.  I'm excited to announce that we'll be having a fun contributor appear here and there, he's going to bring a little testosterone to the blog.  His name is Sam, and he's Caitlin's fiance.  He's going to be writing some of this thoughts on a man's perspective on things.  It's going to be a lot of fun, and hopefully teach us women what's really going with men and their minds.

You're going to see A LOT more bra posts, which I'm really excited about.  These bra posts are my babies and they take A LOT of time to write and produce.  But from our followers that's what they want to know more about, so you'll see a lot more from me.

Melanie had her baby Scarlett a couple months ago and because she's been basking in motherhood, we're going to be talking a lot more about that topic, which is so dear to Melanie and I.

My goals for the rest of this year is to stop living in survival mode all of the time, to have a purpose in the things I'm doing.  Be more consistent, say "No"more, and start achieving some of the goals I have for myself, and for this blog.

Thank you again to y'all for supporting us and asking why you haven't seen us for a while, it makes us feel like you've missed us just a little bit.  


  1. So glad you're back! I enjoy following you. We've planned on doing the same thing by adding our husbands more in our blog this next year. Our one year anniversary is in a few weeks and we were going to announce it then. I think it will be fun to see more of a masculine feel on our blogs. :)

  2. Hey Dru, thanks so much for being such a good friend! It was so good seeing you at the Cricuit event, hope you had a good time. Yes, it feels good to be back and be more on top of things and more organized. I love the idea of adding some masculinity to blogs!


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