Fry Sauce & Grits: Reality Check

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Reality Check

Okay friends:  It's time for me to be real.  I have been somewhat MIA from the blog recently.  Courtney has been running the show, so to speak.  I have been busy falling in love with and adjusting to our new addition.

I have been busy sniffing her head and baby neck rolls, kissing her face and singing her songs.  I have been busy trying to get cuddles in when she falls asleep after feedings.  I am just trying to soak it all in and enjoy it.  I love her so much.

Scarlett at church with daddy
I have to be honest, blogging is really hard for me.  It is hard for me to put myself "out there" so to speak.  I worry about what people might think.  A lot of the time I feel like what I have to say is trivial, or doesn't matter and so I talk myself out of saying it.  But this blog isn't meant to be serious,  it's an outlet for us to share our creative worlds.

One of the main reasons I have been hesitant about blogging is because when I read other blogs--I like to look at the perfectly styled and polished photos, the beautiful images, the "edited" lives.  And then when I go to create a post for my own blog, it never seems to measure up: my pictures are fuzzy because my camera isn't professional and my photog skills are lacking.  Sometimes I find out after researching a "great idea" that my idea isn't as original as I thought--it's been done before.

Sometimes I get writers block and I just can't find the words on a topic.  What I want you to know is that I started this blog with my sisters in order for us to have some fun, to keep in touch, and to learn a few things.  But blogging has proved to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.  Sometimes it takes me hours to edit things, to add in photos and links.  It is much more of an investment of my time than I originally considered.  But I'm not ready to give up.  So, I ask you to bear with me as I figure out how to be okay with what I'm doing.

What I also want you to know is that I always want FS&G to be just what it is.  We are working on a few things to give our blog a "facelift," make it look more clean and streamlined and we want to keep improving it.  But, we also want it to be genuine.  Our lives aren't always perfectly edited.  There are thousands of those types blogs already out there with artistic pictures and beautiful designs.  We are here to be us, and I need to be okay with that.  

Phew.  I needed to get that out of my brain and onto this blog. I already feel better.


  1. Hey Melanie,
    Great post. I think most blogglers probably struggle with the same thing! I know I do. So often I am a slave to my appearances, worrying about how my words might sound or if what I'm saying is dumb & pointless. But I have to remind myself that I started blogging for fun and to encourage others in Christ.
    Your blog looks awesome and I hope you don't give up! Congrats on your baby girl, she's precious!

  2. Hi! Great post. I can relate to your feelings. I don't have a photography degree or extra income to spend on expensive cameras. With all my images, there is usually a mess right outside the frame. Congratulations on your baby girl.

  3. Yep - we all feel that way. (BTW, even when your "original" idea turns out not to be - no one else can share it in your voice. YOUR voice is what will connect with those readers who are coming to YOU.)

    You just keep right on falling in love with that baby girl, though! And, y'know, we readers can usually be pretty easily appeased with adorable baby pictures. ;)

  4. This is a great post! Love your honesty and your little girl is precious!


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