Fry Sauce & Grits: How to Wear Second Day Curls

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to Wear Second Day Curls

Hello fellow curly girls, it's Caitlin again!

Have you ever had one of those great curly days where your curls are soft, shiny, touchable, and bouncy? Have you ever wished that those days would never end? I know I have! Well, wait no longer, because here's the perfect trick to keeping your curls intact overnight.

Step 1 flip head over.

pineapple, waterfall, second day curls, fry sauce and grits

Step 2 carefully gather curls into a loose pony tail on the top of your head, and loosely secure hair with a scrunchie or a gentle hair band.

It will produce something that looks like this.

keep second day curls,

This will keep your curls intact, and the frizz under control because it keeps friction on your pillow to a minimum.

how to second day curls, fry sauce and grits, curly girl, red curls, curly hairstyle

When you wake up, gently remove the scrunchie, and shake out--voila! You've got beautiful second day curls.

Pray tell, what other strategies do you use to keep your curls intact?

For more curly girl posts by Caitlin, see: 5 Tips For Curly Haired Gals


  1. Wish I woke up that beautiful everyday.

  2. I will have to try this because it always seems like curls should last longer than one day :)

    1. Right? My sentiment, exactly! Thanks for stopping by Judy :)

  3. Just lovely! I hopped over from Friday's Fab Favorites because I have a daughter with curls and I am always looking for tips. I read through your 5 tips post - pinning and planning to give some of the ideas a try. She is 6 and we've only had her hair trimmed once - I don't want her to lose those beautiful curls!

    1. Hi Carly, I'm so glad that you're helping your daughter to cultivate and love her curls! Thank you for reading :)

  4. Hi Caitlin! Such lovely locks! Just wanted to let you know that I included one of the photos from this post in my weekly roundup. It's linked back with photo and text links :-). You can see it here:

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    1. Hi Heidi, thank you for featuring me on your blog -- I'm very excited! Also, feel free to join in on our Be. You. Tiful Link Party every Thursday.

  5. When I had longer hair and curls, I would spray my hair with water and scrunch. That always seemed to reactivate the curls plus any styling product from the day before. And I also did the loose ponytail at night too. :)

    Love your hair!

    1. The spray bottle works like a charm! I have been doing that when some of my curls fall out of my loose ponytail.

  6. Have you ever tried "plopping"?! Sounds weird- google it- it really does work for curly hair!

    Gayle x

    1. Hey Gayle, thanks for stopping by! I haven't tried plopping, but I do use a t-shirt to remove excess water when I get out of the shower to style it. I usually distribute a little bit of product and then scrunch with a t-shirt. I will have to try plopping though, and see what sort of effect it gives my curls.


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